The Benefits of a Hoppercover
All components and cover remove easily in minutes.
- Most inexpensive combine extension cover for the top quality materials used.
- Easily open or close as little or as much as desired.
- Can be left on while threshing. Keeps wind from blowing grain off and keeps water out of hopper.
- Available for every combine with every type of extension.

SIGNATURE HOPPER COVERS are made from top quality industry standard materials. The support system is steel tubing with a minimum of 5” to a maximum of 21” height above the hopper extension, depending on the model of extension, to allow the best water run -off. The tarpaulin is 18oz PVC coated nylon, the same fabric used across the industry for roll tarps on trucks. It is available in red, white, blue, green, yellow, grey and black.
However, the lighter colors are recommended as they allow more light into hopper and do not fade as quickly. All hardware consists of steel, with exception of the nylon fittings used to hold the bows and their bolts and nuts. All covers are held on with nickel plated brass turnbuckles that are drilled into the combine wherever a snap appears on the cover.

The “Brilliant” system for dish -type extensions is made of painted steel. The dish type are held on with bungee, through grommets to lashing hooks, and open by folding back on themselves as little or as much as desired, from the back of the extension to the unload auger side, or all the way open. All covers are easily removed and put back on in minutes for storage purposes, seed cleaning or transportation in custom harvesting applications. Installation takes about 2 hours.

Hopper covers are designed to fit your combine the way it is.